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发信人: yinmingyang (yummy·三湘四水), 信区: outdoor 标 题: Columbia公布Mountain Hardwear和Montrail重组方案 发信站: 饮水思源 (2008年05月03日15:44:54 星期六), 站内信件 据国外媒体报道,近日全球户外行业巨头美国哥伦比亚公司公布了对旗下公司Mountain Hardwear和Montrail的重组方案,以此扩展市场,增加产品销量,提高效率。 此方案于2008年5月1日开始生效,届时Montrail品牌下的所有的相关销售、市场营销及 服务项目皆由Mountain Hardwear 进行统一管理运营。但Montrail产品的采购工作仍由 位于波特兰市的哥伦比亚公司总部进行统一管理,而其美国境内的产品分销及物流工作 继续在哥伦比亚肯塔基州的仓储基地完成。 重组后,Mountain Hardwear和哥伦比亚公司将共同负责Montrail鞋类产品的生产和发展 。目前,Mountain Hardwear和Montrail的重点国外市场像欧洲、韩国、加拿大已开始优 化重组,这一举措将大大巩固他们在当地的市场地位,并提高运营效率。2008年5月1日 后Montrail的销售服务工作将正式划归到Mountain Hardwear旗下,届时各零售商可以了 解更多相关细节。 Columbia Sportswear Realigns Montrail Brand Management under Mountain Hardwe ar Subsidiary Columbia Sportswear Company, a global leader in the active outdoor apparel a nd footwear industries, today announced management and operational changes w ithin the company's Mountain Hardwear and Montrail subsidiary brands designe d to elevate consumer awareness, increase sales and improve efficiency. Effective May 1, 2008, all sales, marketing and service functions for Montra il Inc., a leading trail running and hiking footwear maker acquired by Colum bia in 2006, will be realigned under the management team of Mountain Hardwea r Inc., a subsidiary acquired by Columbia in 2003. Mountain Hardwear is well known in the outdoor industry as a leading manufacturer of high-end mountai neering and outdoor equipment, apparel and accessories. Montrail product sou rcing functions will remain under Columbia Sportswear corporate management i n Portland, Oregon and US product distribution and shipping will continue to be processed through the company's Kentucky facility. Mountain Hardwear and Columbia Sportswear will work together on product dire ction and development using the established Montrail footwear team in the Co lumbia Sportswear headquarters in Portland, Oregon. Mountain Hardwear and Mo ntrail already share resources for international sales management in key mar kets such as Europe, South Korea and Canada and this change will help consol idate and streamline their efforts. Service and sales operations will formal ly transition after May 1, 2008. Retailers will be contacted directly regard ing details at that time. -- ※ 来源:·饮水思源 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn·[FROM:] |
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